The Forgotten House on the Moor
When police knock on Alice Donaldson's door at 4am, she knows the news won't be good. There's been an accident involving her ex-husband Grant, and as his existing next of kin, they need her help. Grant is missing up on the North York moors, but the Grant Alice knew could barely be persuaded out on a walk around the block. What on earth possessed him to go on a hike in the middle of the night? Alice soon finds herself working with Grant's girlfriend Jenna and Jenna's gorgeous 'Lord of the family Manor' brother Max, to find out what has happened, and what caused Grant's accident at The Fortune House - the spooky house out on the moors. The locals tell all manner of ghoulish stories about The Fortune House, which Alice is not minded to listen to. But before long, things take a turn for the strange and Max and Alice have a new mystery to solve. While all the while Alice can't help hoping she might meet the requirements to be Max's 'Lady of the Manor' at his country pile, Hatherleigh Hall.
- Published by EB-BOLD
- Fiction/Non-FictionFiction
- Genre General Fiction
- Target Audience Adult
- Released 22nd June 2022
- ISBN 9781804152270