A Turn-Up for the Books
It’s not the first time Laurel Nightingale has found a dead body but this one - discovered alone in a locked room with a dagger in his back - was a journalist staying in the village of Elderwick for the purpose of profiling famous author Hugh Quintrell. Hugh is her latest client at her small psychology practice not to mention her number one suspect. Hugh's determined to use his skills to help the police but for Laurel it's a huge conflict of interest. She ditches Hugh and starts her own sleuthing. But after a second attack it's Laurel who finds herself under suspicion. It will take all her skills and not a small amount of luck for Laurel to clear her name and locate the real culprit. Will she work it out before the killer strikes again or will Laurel find herself at the sharp end of the law?
- Published by Soundings
- Fiction/Non-FictionFiction
- Genre Mystery
- Target Audience Adult
- Released 20th February 2025
- Duration 10 Hrs. 51 Mins.
- ISBN 9781399186964